tiistai 16. lokakuuta 2012

KODU-project started

KODU-project started!

Kodu is as a visual game program language produced by Microsoft. It is freely downloadable from the Microsoft Research pages.

Teaching and learning should be fun also and that’s why we started to find out what is the suitable environment for making games. The selection was easy. Kodu is free, it is easy to learn and it is very rewarding because its easiness.

We made a project plan and made the goals. The main developing areas are:
-          using game technology in teaching and learning
-          Peer Coaching in student-student, student-teacher, teacher-teacher
-          learning together
-          social skill
-          problem skills solving
-          creativity
-          joy of learning and motivation
-          critical thinking
-          entrepreneurship

There was almost 30 interested kids willing to be a coach and game maker. We could only take 11 students because of the capacity of the technology.  The club starts next Thursday. We got a real kick start when Mr. Tony Manninen PHD of game technology and a CEO of Ludocraft game company is opening the club. He is going to us hints of game making and telling about the game industry and planning games as a future profession. Mrs Katja Vainikainen from Valmentamo company is coaching us how to be as a coach. We are so excited about it!

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