torstai 31. tammikuuta 2013

Thursday at Bett London

School Technology Innovation Workshop 

Today we spend an interesting day thinking on following topics:
  • E-examinations and E-assessment
  • Ubiquitous Learning
  • Games Based Learning
  • Collaborative Learning
  • Learning 21st Century Skills
  • Learning Platforms

We had great introduction from experts all around the world how to make our school better. It's not all about technology, the change begins from the people.

News from Patamäki corp.

News from Patamäki Corporation:
Mrs. Paula Vorne
Mrs. Kaisa Loponen

This week companies planned what kind of clients are their customers. Some of the companies were planning to stay in Finland but most of them were going to go on international market. Help Desk services is key to help customers in trouble. Some of the companies want to do their business green and help the environment.

Subcontractors started their work

As a part of the Patamäki Corporation 1st graders have started their own companies. They will do business as subcontractors for the 3rd and 4th graders companies and produce tie-in products based on the games that older students have designed with the Kodu gaming program.

1st grade students started today by making a business plan for their companies and choosing roles for each “stake holder”. Roles were CEO, marketing manager, finance manager and production manager. Part of the role choosing process was naming every student’s strengths. Finally at the end of today’s lessons the 3rd and 4th grade students presented their offer requests from the game companies to the subcontractors. Introducing was very exciting but the experience was positive. Companies will make their decisions next week and design work starts.

tiistai 29. tammikuuta 2013

Innovative Schools meeting, London



Interesting day at Fullans leadership workshop. Got a lot of new ideas how to lead a school towards future. We Finnish schools are on a right track but there’s still a lot to do. With a help of Mr. Tom Van Ark we found few key factors and practices for innovative schools making important goals, high access environments and the role of technology.

Mr. Bruce Dixon told us about one to one resources and implementation. We discussed also about what priciples would be the basis of your school vision. After a good conversation our team selected that the first principle is "Our school will focus on 21st Century skills as the new basics of what an educated person needs to know". Not bad at all?

Day 2

Visiting New Line Learning Academy at Cornwall. Very innovative learning spaces and working culture challenging existing practices. The most remarkable space was Learning Plaza. An environment for 120 pupils with flexible furnishing and latest learning technology. Very inviting place to learn and teach!

perjantai 25. tammikuuta 2013

Kodu presentation

Here's the first taste of games made in Kodu Club during autumn. First games had to be learning games and after that everyone could make a game of their own.


torstai 24. tammikuuta 2013

Being Entrepreneurs part II

Patamäki Corporation-project
Being Entrepreneurs part II

Within two days group’s business plans went forward four steps:  Business idea and the product, Company name, owners and shares and last the human strength and talent inside the group. When done students shared the tasks (GM, Marketing, Economy, programming etc). Couple of groups even started to program their Kodu-game. The companies got great names like ProGame, BlackBike, Hubberz, GameStars,  Almenip Production and Pelineerit. Thinking about the English names everyone plans to go global :)

Hubberz doing Business Plan


The students and teachers can follow the project from the project wall.


It also helps to keep in schedule.